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Right to Life challenges International Safe Abortion Day 28 September!

Media Release 2 October 2024

Today the most dangerous place for a New Zealander is in its mother’s womb.

Every child is a unique and unrepeatable miracle of God’s loving creation, created in the image and likeness of God. The child is endowed with a right to life and conceived in its mother’s womb, which is intended to provide safety and protection for its right to life. Right to Life is committed to working to ensure that every unborn child enjoys the safety of its mother’s womb. Pregnancy is not a disease and abortion is not health care.

Right to Life challenges the World Health Organisation [WHO], the United Nations [UN] and the NZ government, in promoting a culture of death by sponsoring the celebration of “The International Safe Abortion Day on 28th September.

The government supports the safe killing of unborn children. The Ministry of Health has advised Right to Life that more than 16,200 unborn children were safely killed in New Zealand in 2023. The Ministry of Health in celebration of Safe Abortion Day in a media release advised, “Today, 28 September, is International Safe Abortion Day which highlights the work being done worldwide for safe abortion rights. New Zealand has 14 Safe Areas in place around abortion service providers.”

These safe areas protect the million dollar abortion industry, supress free speech and prohibit any caring person within 150 metres of the killing centre offering help to a women seeking an abortion. Offenders may be arrested, charged and brought to Court.

Both WHO and the UN claim to be the defenders of our human rights. They are in fact at the forefront in leading the war against women, the unborn and the family. They claim to be the defenders of women and their reproductive rights by:-

• Denying the humanity, personhood and right to life of the unborn child until it is born.

• Proclaiming as a human right, the right of women to kill their children before they are born.

• Campaigning internationally for the decriminalisation of abortion, as it is no longer a crime to kill an unborn child but a “reproductive health choice”.

• Claiming that it is safer for women to kill their child in the womb than to allow it to be born.

The first human right of women is the right to be born. According to the World Health Organisation, there are 73 million abortions reported in the world annually, i.e. 200,000 abortions every day.

More than 34 million women are murdered every year before they are born.

All countries, including New Zealand, have committed to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), two of which are specifically related to addressing unsafe abortion. SDG-3 and SDG-5 advocate for removing barriers to unsafe abortion, as key objectives for achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health, reducing maternal mortality and promotion of gender equality.

Abortions are never safe. In every abortion an innocent and defenceless unborn child is murdered by being poisoned, sucked out of its mother’s womb or being violently dismembered. Their mothers are the second victim of the violence of abortion who may have to endure a lifetime of grief, sorrow and remorse.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life New Zealand Inc.

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