Media Release 23 January 2025
Right to Life has written to the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon to commend him for appointing Simeon Brown as the new Minister of Health.
We believe that the majority of our community will share our delight that we have a Minister of Health who believes that every New Zealander from conception to natural death has been endowed by their Creator with an inalienable right to life. Also that the government has the duty to provide effective legal protection for the right to life of every human being, especially for unborn children, who are the weakest and most defenceless members of the human family. Right to Life believes that the Minister deserves our support, as he seeks to uphold the sanctity of life of every member of our community.
Right to Life believes that the unsigned letter sent to the Prime Minister by the Abortion Law Reform Association {ALRANZ] protesting at his appointment of Simeon Brown as Minister of Health, is both insulting and an attack on our Parliamentary democracy.
ALRANZ is concerned that the Minister is opposed to the violence of abortion against women and their unborn, supports free speech and the right to offer help to women seeking an abortion. Right to Life believes that this organisation, which was believed to have had a paid up membership of only 36 members in 2019, does not represent the majority of the community. The constitution of ALRANZ requires an attendance of only four members at its AGM, indicating that this is not a mass movement. The national president of ALRANZ is South African born Dr Tracey Morrison, who follows a long line of foreign born national presidents.
ALRANZ is a serious threat to the health of women and unborn children, as it rejects the commandment of God, “You shall not kill”, believing that every woman has a right to kill their children before they are born.
• believes that poisoning the unborn, sucking them from their mother’s womb or violently and painfully dismembering them is health care.
• refuses to accept that human life begins at conception and believes that the unborn child is not a human being with a right to life until it is born.
• supports the killing of the unborn for any reason up to 20 weeks and after that up to birth if a doctor considers it ‘appropriate”.
• Supports safe areas of 150 metres around all abortion facilities in New Zealand to suppress free speech and to prevent any person offering assistance to a woman to choose life for her precious baby.
ALRANZ in its letter expressed concern that the Minister had been pro-life all of his adult life, and that in parliament he had voted against the Abortion Legislation Bill and the Safe Area legislation. It would appear that in the view of ALRANZ, there is no place in parliament for those who seek to uphold the right to life of every human being.
Right to Life is disappointed that the news media is complicit in providing generous space to ALRANZ in promoting its campaign of misinformation in its war against women and the family.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.