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Procreate or perish!

Updated: Jul 13, 2024

Media Release 6 July 2024

“I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life.” Deuteronomy 30: 19

Is the government presiding over our destruction by pursuing a one child family policy?

Right to Life believes that the New Zealand government is seeking to maintain our birth rate at a perilous level below replacement, so that our population eventually declines.

Statistics NZ advise that our birth rate for 2023 was 1.56 children per woman of childbearing age, the lowest birthrate rate ever recorded in New Zealand. 2013 was the last year in which we had a replacement level birth rate. The replacement level birth rate is 2.1 children per woman. Demographic experts warn that a birthrate of 1.55 children per woman is the point of no return.

Right to Life believes that the silence of the government in response to this demographic crisis, which threatens the future of this nation, indicates that it has government approval.

The United Nations has been advocating for decades that the world’s population needs to be reduced to enable fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.The world’s population is currently 8 billion.

Right to Life believes that the government’s strategy for sustaining our birth rate at below replacement level is achieved by the following actions and policies:-

  • Promoting contraception, sterilisation and abortion as a health matter for women.

  • Providing the contraceptive pill to over 200,000 women in New Zealand.

  • The government funds the killing of unborn children up to birth as a health service, effectively for any reason. More than 16,200 unborn children, one in five were killed in 2023.

  • The government discourages adoption with only an estimated 125 adoptions each year.

  • New Zealand men have one of the highest vasectomy rates in the world.About 18 per cent of adult males and more than 25 per cent of married men have had vasectomies.

  • The government encourages same sex marriage, easy no fault divorce, delayed marriage and child bearing.

  • The government encourages women into the work force in preference to raising children as a stay at home mother.

  • The government supports the false belief that the definition of women includes men who wish to identify as women.

  • The government supports the LGBTQI ideology and supports the false belief that everyone has the right to choose their gender.

Right to Life calls upon the government to urgently address the demographic Winter that is confronting our nation by defending the family of exclusively one woman and one man, encouraging the birth of more children, to repeal the extremist Abortion Legislation Act 2020 and to promote greater numbers of adoptions.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life New Zealand Inc.

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