Media Release 29 January 2025
If we cannot trust the Prime Minister to protect our unborn children, then why should we trust him to protect us? How can he, as a, loving husband and father, approve of the violence of abortion being inflicted on unborn children and their mothers?
Right to Life, in loving concern, warns the Prime Minister that it is folly to focus attention on the fickle judgment of the electorate at the ballot box at the next general election in 2026, while ignoring the ultimate judgment of his Creator on judgment day who will ask, “why did you not protect my precious infants and their beautiful mothers from the violence of abortion?"
The Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, confirmed on Radio NZ on 22 January 2025, that “abortion rights groups have nothing to worry about, there will be no change to access to abortion or to funding”. Prior to the 2023 general election he promised that if the abortion law was changed, then he would resign from parliament. This is not a clarion call from the high moral ground, but a disgraceful declaration that the blood of our children is a justifiable price to pay for political power.
Right to Life is disappointed in this response which is a public statement by the leader of the government of its complicity in the murder of our own children, that it:-
• Rejects the fifth commandment of God, Thou shalt not kill.
• Refuses to recognise the humanity of the unborn from conception endowed by its Creator with an inalienable right to life.
• Denies its responsibility to protect the lives of our unborn children who are the weakest and most defenceless members of our human family.
• Approves of the violence of abortion being inflicted on unborn children and their mothers
• Funds the killing of unborn children.
This commitment was made in response to a protest from the Abortion Law Reform Association [ALRANZ] at the appointment of Simeon Brown as Minister of Health, who is opposed to violence against women and their defenceless unborn children. Right to Life is surprised that the Prime Minister is not aware that ALRANZ is a small and insignificant anti-feminist group, which had only about fifteen paid up members in 2023 and little support in our community.
The Prime Minister has said that health will be a priority in 2025; If it is a priority, then stop treating pregnancy as a disease and abortion as a “health service”. It is to the government’s shame that 16,277 unborn New Zealanders were killed before birth in 2023 and their precious mothers violently wounded physically, psychologically and spiritually. For the health of our nation, suffering from a below replacement birth rate of 1.56 and threatened by a demographic Winter, the government has an urgent need to promote adoption, procreation of children and the natural family, established by God, of exclusively one woman and one man.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.