Media Release 15 March 2025

Right to Life believes that the vast majority of women do not consent to their precious child being poisoned, sucked out of their womb or being violently dismembered, our precious women and that the unborn deserve to be protected from coercion and violence.
Right to Life believes that 60 per cent of women who submit to an abortion do so because they did not receive the emotional or financial support they needed or are coerced by others, generally the father of the child who threatens to abandon, or inflict violence on the mother.
Right to Life is concerned that the extremist Abortion Legislation Act 2020 does not screen women who are victims of violence and coercion.
Right to Life was recently advised by the Ministry of Health, in response to an Official Information Act request, that there was a provisional total of 17,123 abortions in New Zealand in 2024.
Advocates for the killing of children before birth claim that abortion is a human right and that every woman has a right to choose to kill their children for any reason up to 20 weeks gestation and up to birth ,if a doctor considers it clinically appropriate.
Why are these advocates for the right to choose to kill defenceless unborn children silent at the coercion and violence inflicted on women?
A study conducted by Women’s Refuge in New Zealand in 2018 of 161 women found that 27 per cent of the women had experienced coercion from the father of the child to accept abortion and 31 per cent had experienced violence during pregnancy from their partner to force them to miscarry the life of their child.
A study in the USA of 1,000 women aged 41 to 45 in 2023 conducted by David C Reardon, of the Elliot Institute disclosed:-
• 67% of women described their abortions as “accepted but inconsistent with their values and preferences”
• 24% “unwanted or coerced”
• Only 33% identified their abortions as wanted.
David C Reardon stated that 60% would have preferred to give birth, if they had received either more emotional support or had more financial security.
Homicide is the leading cause of death of pregnant women in the United States. More than 100 pregnant women were murdered in the USA in 2020.
Right to Life will not rest until women are free of violence and coercion, and receive the emotional and financial support that they want and deserve to allow their unborn child to be born.
Only the repeal of the appallingly violent Abortion Legislation Act 2020 will protect women and their precious unborn.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc