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Jacinda’s legacy- 60,000 murdered unborn children!

Media Release 21 January 2023 Right to Life commends the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern for resigning.

The right to life and the traditional family have been under increasing attack under her leadership.

The Prime Minister has tragically refused to accept that every unborn child is a unique and unrepeatable miracle of God’s loving creation that has been endowed at conception by its Creator with an inalienable right to life, that is deserving of our respect and protection.

It is therefore in the best interest of our nation and of her family that she resign. We should also recognise that she has done some good things, for these we should be grateful.

Right to Life believes that she has forfeited her right to govern as she has failed in her fundamental duty to protect the lives of our unborn, the weakest and most defenceless members of our human family. Those who are prepared to kill the unborn should not be trusted to govern the born.

Jacinda Ardern is personally responsible as the architect of the extremist Abortion Legislation Act 2020, which denies the humanity of the unborn child and its right to life. Never before has New Zealand had a Prime Minister who has betrayed women by inflicting the violence of abortion on them under the pretence that it is “a reproductive health care.”

Jacinda Ardern shamefully lied to the Down Syndrome community in 2017 when she promised to retain legal protection to prohibit the killing of babies with Down syndrome after 20 weeks gestation. She voted against the amendment thus allowing babies with Down syndrome to be killed up to birth. She also voted against the six amendments that would have given increased protection to women and their babies.

Jacinda Ardern has undermined our Parliamentary democracy by ignoring the 90 % of the 25,000 submissions to the select committee that were totally opposed to the radical Abortion Legislation bill.

Jacinda Ardern supported the End of Life Choice Act that empowers doctors to give a lethal injection to their patients or to assist in their suicide. She is reported to have pressured her caucus to support this anti-life legislation.

Jacinda Ardern is being lauded as, “the mother of the nation.” She has claimed to be an advocate for women and an ardent feminist but refuses to support a woman’s right to life and the right to be born. True feminism is non-violent, protective of children and the vulnerable in society and is non-discriminatory.

Right to Life speaks up on behalf of the more than 60,000 innocent and defenceless unborn New Zealand children who have been poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s womb or been violently dismembered since she assumed office in September 2017. We also speak up in defence of the thousands of women who have been cruelly wounded and left with a lifetime of grief and remorse from the violence of abortion. On their behalf we welcome her resigning as Prime Minister.

The once great Labour Party that previously valiantly defended the right to life and the traditional family has sadly lost its way. New Zealand needs a Labour Party that protects the life of unborn children, protects women from the violence of abortion and upholds the traditional family of one man and one woman.

Jacinda’s daughter Neve will commence her schooling this year. There will be children missing from her classrooms. Throughout the nation there are more than 13,000 joyful children missing this year alone. These are the children who were killed before they were born. They are the nameless victims of Jacinda Ardern’s government funded “reproductive health service.”

Right to Life wishes Jacinda Ardern happiness in her married life with her family.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life, NZ Inc.

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