Media Release 28 December 2024
The Christian church celebrates the feast of the Holy Innocents, in remembrance of the massacre of young male children up to the age of two in Bethlehem by King Herod the Great in his attempt to kill the infant Jesus. The feast is observed by Western churches on December 28.
The prophet Jeremiah tells us that: “A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more” (Jeremiah 31:15)
The slaughter of innocent children continues today with the killing of 16,277 unborn children by the state in 2023, who like King Herod, are driven by fear. We should hear the silent screams of the innocent unborn and weep with the wounded mothers who have been deprived of their children.
Herod relied on his soldiers to massacre these children, today our government has contracted out the killing of holy innocents to Family Planning, now renamed Sexual Wellbeing, and to the Magma Health Care Ltd, founded by abortionist, Dr Simon Snook.
The massacre of the unborn in New Zealand commenced in 1978, since then more than 600 000 innocent unborn children have been violently killed, considerably more than were killed by King Herod.
Right to Life requests the government to cease the killing of our holy innocents and to immediately terminate the contract with Family Planning and Magma Health Care Ltd. The government has no right to use our taxes to pay for the killing of our children.
Every child killed by voluntary abortion in our own age is a “holy innocent”. Every politician who supports this killing, implicitly or explicitly, perpetuates the evil actions of King Herod.
Today many of our political leaders have joined the genocide of the unborn, to maintain the affections of the voting populace from the culture of death. Right to Life believes that our silence to the killing of the holy innocent unborn, will be taken by government as our consent.
They seek to justify their support for the killing of children in the womb by passing legislation which promotes the fiction that unborn children are not human beings with a right to life, until they are born. They refuse to uphold the fundamental duty to provide effective legal protection for the right to life of every human being from conception to natural death.
Those who are prepared to kill the innocent unborn should not be trusted to govern the born.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.