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God's precious unborn are not human waste!

Media Release 15 June 2024

More than 10,000 unborn children were killed in New Zealand in 2023, up to 10 weeks gestation of pregnancy, in early medical abortions.

Right to Life weeps with our women at the failure of our community to help them choose life for their child in their hour of desperate need, shame on us.

The lethal abortion drugs may be couriered or posted to women for the termination of the life of their unborn child in their own home. The drugs are self-administered by the pregnant woman, who then waits for the death of her unborn child inside her, and for the dead body to be delivered.

Women are left to deliver their dead baby and may do as they wish with the remains of their precious child. These foetal remains are considered to be “medical waste” and women are encouraged to dispose of the remains by flushing them down the toilet.

Unborn children are not medical waste to be disposed of in our waste water, to ultimately end up in the land fill from the local sewerage works.

Right to Life believes that this is highly insensitive, and disposing of their remains in this way is offensive to the Creator, as it denies the dignity and humanity of the unborn child and the dignity of the woman as a mother.

Human life begins at conception and every child is a human being endowed by their Creator with an inalienable right to life.

Abortion is an intrinsically evil action and it is a violation of basic human rights. The killing of an unborn child can never be justified. The foetal remains of God’s precious children murdered in abortion should be treated with the great respect that is due to the human person.

Right to Life requests the government to amend the legislation to prohibit the deliberate disposal of foetal parts in our waste water and to require that foetal parts are treated with respect and buried in a dignified manner.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life New Zealand Inc.


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