Media Release 4 October 2023
Right to Life believes that as abortion is a conscience issue for every Member of Parliament. Christopher Luxon, as leader must respect the absolute right of every member to speak up in defense of life and support legislation that will provide increased protection for women and our defenseless unborn from the violence of abortion.
Christopher Luxon stated correctly in 2021 that abortion was murder. This was his conscience, the voice of God guiding him to do good and to avoid evil.
Right to Life asks: why then did Christopher Luxon defy God and his conscience, by declaring that any government that he led would not amend the Abortion Legislation Act?
He said, “Yes, there's no change to abortion laws, access to funding, access to healthcare. Those laws have been settled. They're not changing under my government. And frankly, they're not what New Zealanders are interested in right now."
On RNZ on 27 June 2022 he stated: “It's a sensitive and distressing issue, and I want to make sure that New Zealanders understand there will be no change under a National government."
Abortion is violence against women and the unborn, it is intrinsically evil, and violates the fifth commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” and is a crime against humanity.
In God’s plan for the family men are the protectors of women and children.
Today we face a crisis with fatherlessness and the failure of men to protect women and children.
Right to Life believes that Christopher Luxon is aggravating this crisis by his refusal to protect women and the unborn from the violence of abortion up to birth inflicted on them by the Labour government ‘s extremist Abortion Legislation Act.
The community should be aware that David Seymour, leader of ACT, a potential coalition partner,fully supports Christopher Luxon in this abandonment of women and children to the violence of abortion.
Right to Life believes that Christopher Luxon is selective in his morality. He repeatedly claims that the abortion law is settled law and was debated by Parliament in 2020.
Why then has he presented a list of the legislative changes that he has promised that he will make in the first 100 days? Included in this list is the repeal of “settled law”, Labour’s Three Waters legislation and RMA laws.
Why does Christopher Luxon not recognise that only the law of God is settled law and that the 5th Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill", prohibits the murder of God’s precious unborn infants?
Right to Life will not be silenced; we will continue to be a voice for the voiceless who are poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s wombs and violently dismembered in a State funded genocide posing as health care.
Ken Orr,
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.