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Abortion backup for failed contraception

Updated: Jan 12

Media Release 11 January 2025

RIght to Life requests that the Ministry of Health cease promoting the war against women with its promotion of contraception, sterilisation and abortion. The Ministry should be promoting respect for women by promoting chastity with abstinence before marriage and natural family planning.

Contraception and abortion are fruits of the same evil tree that produces a culture of death and drives the war on women. Why then does the government promote contraception, sterilisation and abortion as state funded “health services”.

Right to Life believes that the “demographic winter” which has devastated the population of many countries throughout the world, including New Zealand, is the result of acceptance of the Satanic culture of death which began in the 1960s with anti-life contraception, sterilisation and abortion.

The abortion statistics for 2023 reveal that 60.7% of the 16,277 women who had an abortion in 2023 were not using contraceptives to prevent the conception of a child. Right to Life believes that many of these women are using abortion as a contraceptive. Right to Life does not support contraception, sterilisation and abortion. We believe that they are intrinsically evil, offend God, and contravene the natural law created by God.

Right to Life believes that an increasing number of women are using abortion as a backup for failed contraception. We also believe that the alarming increase in early medical abortions - now more than 62 % of the total abortions for 2023, is contributed to by women who rely on the availability of the lethal abortion pills provided and funded by the government and couriered to their homes.

The Ministry of Health mistakenly believes that promoting contraception will reduce the demand for abortions. Right to Life knows that the promotion of contraception will continue to result in an increase in the number of abortions in New Zealand. The contraceptive pill and the long acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) are both abortifacient, i.e. can cause abortions, resulting in the conception and destruction of a new human being.

The Ministry of Health requires that all abortion providers encourage , at the time of their abortion, to commit to taking the contraceptive pill or to have a LARC inserted. In 2023, 77% of women accessed contraception following their abortion, 23% of these women chose a LARC, which is effective in preventing conception for up to five years.

Right to Life believes that contraception, sterilisation and abortion collectively undermine the dignity of women and the respect which should be shown to women, who have been chosen by God to cooperate with Him in the procreation of the human race.

Right to Life believes that women have an absolute right to choose whether they wish to have a child, this right must be exercised before conception, not after conception.

Ken Orr,


Right to Life New Zealand Inc.

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